
Archive Search Software - Search Zip Files, Search CAB files

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© Adrian Bhagat 1999-2014

Miscellaneous Settings Program Information

Command Line Interface

Note: This feature is only available in the full version of ZipScan.

To use the command line interface, you must first open a command prompt window. Ensure that ZipScan is in the path that the command window uses to find programs. (How this is done depends on which version of Windows you are using – see the Windows help for more information).

You run ZipScan by using the ‘zipscan’ command followed by a list of the options specified below that define the search.

Search Parameter Switches

/? Show help information

argument        Initial dir/archive file  (defaults to current directory)

/WD          Search Directories

/WZ          Search Zip files

/WZE         Search Self-extracting Zip files

/WA          Search ACE files

/WAE         Search Self-extracting ACE files

/WC          Search CAB files

/WCE         Search Self-extracting CAB files

/WR          Search RAR files

/WRE         Search Self-extracting RAR files

/WJ          Search JAR files

/WTAR Search TAR files

/WGZ Search GZIP and BZIP files

/WZOO Search ZOO files

/WARJ Search ARJ files

/WLZH Search LZH files

/WSTOR Search IStorage format files

/H           Search hidden files

/HD          Search hidden directories

/SY Search files with the System attribute set

/SYD Search directories with the System attribute set

/RA          Recurse through archives

/RD          Recurse through directories

/IX Ignore file extensions

/P"..." or /P…     Search Pattern (defaults to ‘*’ )

/MN          Normal pattern matching  (default)

/ME          Extra chars ($ and #)

/MG          Grep-style pattern matching

/T"..."       Text string to match

/TS          Case sensitive text-searching

/TI          Case-insensitive text-searching

/SLxxx       Size at least xxx bytes

/SMxxx       Size at most xxx bytes

/SExxx       Size exactly xxx bytes

NB: Version searching is not possible from the command line

Results Formatting switches

You can choose what information is reported for each found file with the following column specifications. Columns are outputted in order of the following flags, if specified.

Note:  (xx) represents an optional column width; e.g. /CN32 will output the name of the file in a column that is 32 characters wide.

Switch Meaning Default Width (characters)

/CN(xx)      Name of file 24

/CPN(xx) Path and name of file in archive               40

/CT(xx) Type of file   20

/CL(xx) Location                                     64

/CS(xx) Size 10

/CA(xx) Attributes 5

/CD(xx) Modified Date 16

/CP(xx) Password flag 1

/CF(xx) Found text 32

/OP Show search parameters at top of output

/OH Show column headings

/OS Show summary at end of output

/OC Columns are to be comma-separated with no gap


Search a directory, all its subdirectories and the Zip files they contain, for files named *.txt, displaying the name and size of the files found:

zipscan  c:\docs\  /WD /WZ  /P”*.txt” /CN /CS /RD      

Advanced Information

For the Command Line Interface to work, you must have the file in the same directory as all the other program files. If you wish to run the graphical version of ZipScan from the command line instead of the CLI version, you should specify ‘zipscan.exe’ as the program name.

The Program Settings affect the way the Command Line version of ZipScan works.