
Archive Search Software - Search Zip Files, Search CAB files

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File Extension Settings

ZipScan uses file extensions to determine whether a file is an archive file or not. For example, a zip archive file usually has the extension .zip. However, sometimes archive files may not have the file extensions you may expect. To help ZipScan to identify these files correctly, you can use this settings page to enter the file extensions that are associated with each archive file type.

If, for example, I wanted ZipScan to treat all files with the extension .zf as zip files, I could set that on this page. Selecting ‘Zip’ from the drop-down list at the top of the page, enter ‘zf’ in the edit box and click the ‘Add’ button. The extension ‘.zf’ now appears in the list of file extensions associated with Zip files and so whenever ZipScan finds a file with this extension, it will regard it as a zip file.

The file extensions for OpenOffice files are used during text-searching to determine whether a file should be treated as an OpenOffice file. See OpenOffice Files for more information.


Messing with the settings on this page can stop ZipScan working normally. For example, deleting the ‘.zip’ extension from the Zip archive list will stop it from searching zip files. To remedy this, click the ‘Set All to Default’ button to restore the original values.

Advanced Information

The file extensions can use the ‘?’ wildcard to match a single character. No other wildcard characters can be used.

These settings do not affect how ZipScan treats self-extracting archive files. ZipScan treats any file with a ‘.exe’ extension, and no other files, as being possibly a self-extracting archive, regardless of the settings on this page.

If you choose the ‘Ignore File Extensions’ setting in your search options, all the settings on this page will be ignored.