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OpenOffice and StarOffice Support

ZipScan includes support for the OpenOffice suite of software. If you use OpenOffice, you can use ZipScan to provide Find – In – Files functionality.

OpenOffice is a suite of office tools written by volunteers  that are provided free of charge. For Windows users, it provides an excellent alternative to the Microsoft Office suite. StarOffice is a collection of more advanced tools built on top of OpenOffice. You can find out more at

OpenOffice files are Zip files which contain a number of XML files. However, instead of having a .zip file extension, they have extensions such as ‘.sxw’. Most of the useful content of the document is stored in a file called content.xml which is stored inside the OpenOffice file.

To enable support for OpenOffice files, you must open the Settings pages and select the Search Settings page. Checking the button labelled ‘Enable OpenOffice text-searching support’ means that when ZipScan finds an OpenOffice file, it is able to search the text that the file contains. ZipScan uses the file extensions found on the File Extension Settings page to determine whether a file is an OpenOffice file.